
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello again!! Comin’ on here to post another blog post within a few hours apart from the last so that I can get some of my raw thoughts out to you today about God’s LOVE!

Today, our ministry host came over to worship, pray, and share a Bible teaching with my team and me! It was such a refreshing time to sit under Biblical teaching and just be unified as the body of Christ, cross-culturally. As I was sitting there during prayer, I became overwhelmed by emotion. I came to the realization that the tears that were falling and this depth of emotion came from a place of immense gratitude for the God that I serve.

Over the last couple weeks of my life, I have been learning a lot about the Islamic faith and hearing stories and beliefs from my new friends who are Muslim. And so, this has caused me to sit with many questions that my muslim friends have posed to me about the Christian faith. Some have been harder to sift through than others. Their disbeliefs and questions about Jesus have become fuel for me to really press into my faith, to seek truth and to know what I believe!

I sat on the couch talking to the Lord during prayer today and I considered who my God says He is. And I am telling you this- the love of my Savior, Jesus Christ, overwhelmed me. The more I sit and ponder the beliefs of other religions, specifically the Islamic faith, the more I become so confident that the God I serve is alive, and that He is love– in the purest sense. His unconditional, self-sacrificial, and relentless love differentiates Himself from any other god, from any other religion.

Below, is a compilation of bits and pieces of my journal entry that I wrote on my phone this morning as I sat on the couch (with some additions and edits as I write this blog post). It’s not wonderfully or profoundly written, just a paragraph to express a girl, a daughter of the King, who is overcome by the love of my Savior, God, and friend:

“God, I have a mushy heart today. Lately, I have been searching and pondering the credibility of other religions as I have been confronted with other beliefs. And in the wake of this search, I am left dumbfounded at the depth of Your love compared to other counteirfeit ‘loves’. Your love is the only one that is unconditional, pure, and relentless. You are different than any other idol or false god made by human hands or human minds. You are real. You are loving. You are kind. You are compassionate. Your name is worthy to be praised. You are unmatched and your way of displaying your love is too rich to comprehend. You make life worth living, worth pursuing. You give my life purpose. You give me a new name. Thank you God. Thank you for delighting in me, over and over again. Like a sun kissed tan, you have left a mark on me by Your radiant love. Forevermore, I will understand your love greater because of You, Jesus. Thank you for transforming me God. You are worth all the days of my life. I want to dwell with you forever.”

Thank you, Jesus, for your love. When I doubt you God, take me back to the cross. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ for my sins is too lofty for me to comprehend. It is at the cross where I see the Father’s heart for me so clearly.

Jehovah, YOU ARE LOVE.

“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13


Just thought I should share some raw thoughts tonight. My God IS Love! I am tasting and seeing that the Lord is truly good. My heart for whoever reads this blog is that you can also experience the transforming love of your Creator like I have. He is the One who knit you together in your mother’s womb and called you by name. The One who sent His only Son to live on the Earth and die a gruesome death for you and me. Yes! This God is the one who loves you tremendously and desires an ever-growing, ever-deepening REAL relationship with you. This God, is The God worth knowing and trusting with your whole heart.

If you want to know more about this Jesus, PLEASE reach out to me!! I would really love to share more about this Jesus with you! He has forever changed my present life, my past, and my future!

Written with a heart transformed by Jesus,


6 responses to “My God is Love <3”

  1. Merhaba!

    Reading two new blogs in one day, what a deal! It’s always exciting to hear more about your adventure through preaching the Word, traveling, and being part of a great community of believers.

    Your blog about how we as Christians should respond to other beliefs out there in the world is actually something I recently have a passion as well. I truly think it’s important that we answer the tough questions that come up. Not only does it help us learn more about Christ, but also be weary of other beliefs that might sound intriguing at first, but are very much false.

    One of the things that I gathered about all these false beliefs, is that they all have two things in common, a lack of understanding of the Gospel and God’s enduring love. Many of them sadly believe that they have to work a certain way in order to acquire salvation. It’s important that as we continue to minister and create disciples, we’re not only preaching to those who are unsaved, but also to those who are trapped in these false teachings. Thank you for sharing your journal notes on all your thoughts these past few weeks (don’t worry about the writing I’m not exactly an author myself ha ha).

    I’ll be praying for you and your team’s safety in Turkey, wisdom in preaching to your muslim neighbors, and continuing to follow what God has in store for you this second half of the World Race. If you and your team could please continue to pray that I find a full-time job soon, I just recently had three interviews this week that went really well and I hope to hear some good news from them soon.

    Thank you again for keeping all of us posted and sharing your experiences!

    “Lütuf, Rabbimiz İsa Mesih’i bozulmaz bir sevgiyle seven herkesin üzerine olsun!” -Ephesians 6:24

    P.S. those squad names, Daddy Day Care and 1-800-ASK-A-FARMER, had me tears haha I wonder what would happen if you called that number

    • Thank you for your response to these blogs and your heart for truth! It is so true. Many religions have this work-based love that is so counterfeit and is not unconditional. Jesus brings in a whole new perspective and a whole new understanding of what “unconditional love” looks like. Thank you Jesus!
      I am praying for you and your job right now! That God would provide in abundance!

  2. Katherine….I am ALWAYS here for the raw and the real when it comes to His love (in case you weren’t previously aware) and this is such a beautiful account. So encouraged by your endless growth and endless desire for more depth with Him. Honored to be your brother, friend, and teammate.
    Love Always,
    Jordan Bryce Jost

    • Jordan Bryce Jost… thank you!! What a blessing to have you as my brother in this life. Thanks for ALL of your support and encouragement along the way!!

  3. In constant thankfulness that our God is love. Praying for this love to continue to overflow and be undeniably evident to those around you and your team this month in Turkey. Love you sister.