
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

สวัสดี (“Hello!” in Thai)

Typical Thursdays for me look like taking a Yellow Songtaew into town (about 25 minutes) for Squad Leader Days! These days are reserved for gathering with Jordan & Kara (and calling Lindsey, Matt & Kathy) to prepare and pray into squad decisions, unite in prayer and intentionality over the squad, and plan for upcoming squad transitions & gatherings. Right now, we are looking ahead just a few weeks to our final debrief time, where we will reflect on our last year, do our best to celebrate what God has done, and look forward to life ahead- whatever that looks like for each one of us! This is mind blowing, quite honestly. Where has the time gone?

Guide To Using Chiang Mai Public Transport - Songthaew
Yellow Songthaew!


I typically stay in town over night and on this particular Friday morning, I asked God what He wanted me to do with some of the time I had before meeting up with team. I felt the confidence through the Holy Spirit to just go on the streets and know that He would be going with me!

So, I started praying as I walked down the Red Light District and trusted that the Lord would bring me where He wanted and with whom He wanted me to talk with. As I walked toward the Muay Thai boxing arena, where there are pubs and suggestive advertisements displayed everywhere, amongst that, I met this lovely women. She was outside of one of the pubs. She says something to me and I don’t quite hear her, so I turn back and end up sitting down with her.

She shared how she has been working in this strip of pubs for 11 years and I gathered that she works a lot, but said she likes her work. Even though she said she enjoyed her work, I felt as if she was tired and worn. She then said พระเยซู (Jesus in Thai) and I lit up, explaining that I am a follower of Jesus! She said she is and that she has been going to this local church every Sunday because of a friend. As the conversation drifted, I asked her again where her church is and she asked if I would go with her to see where it is. So we walked a few hundred yards to get to a small church and business that helps to employ women in various tasks like artisan work and cafe experience, so that they are able to be rescued from the need to make money through prostitution. The greatest part of this is that they also receive the message of Jesus with this employment. As soon as I shared how I knew someone who helps out with this organization, my new friend’s face had an excited glow about her! It was so incredible to see her so excited!

She takes me inside this place where worship, testimonies, communion, and a sermon was being shared with a small room packed with majority women! It was a beautiful experience that I got to be apart of, I definitely teared up at the thought of the beauty of physical rescue for so many women here. And the most special part was knowing that this new friend of mine had found a refuge in this place, where the Holy Spirit is welcomed and actively invited to stay.

The Lord reminded me that even though most of the areas I walked were abandoned, He cared about my new friend.

Jesus cares about the one! He cares about you and me, no matter where we are or how badly we try to hide, we can’t hide from him!

Where shall I go from your Spirit?
    Or where shall I flee from your presence?
 If I ascend to heaven, you are there!
    If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!”

Psalm 139:7,8

I hope this blog encourages you in some of the ways this experience has encouraged my soul!

  • Try to step out in faith today and just go somewhere without a final destination. See where God takes you!

If you feel alone, may this blog encourage you that you are SEEN. Maybe reach out to a Jesus follower to ask them how they get through lonely times or even while stuck in the mundane routines.

Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement!! You are loved!


Prayer Requests:

  • That the Lord would use us mightily here in Thailand, even though we are only here for a couple more weeks!
  • We will have less than three weeks left here in Thailand. But we will take our flight back to the States on July 19th and debrief in the States! Prayers for our time debriefing- that it would be helpful, Spirit-led, and that our hearts would be prepared for saying goodbye to oneanother.
  • Prayers for safe travels home!
  • Prayers for reentry into the United States, as it may be challenging for many of us!

4 responses to “Pursuit of the One”

  1. Amazing. I wonder if that woman needed a refreshing interaction that day ♥️

  2. I know that the woman you met was encouraged and refreshed by meeting you and sharing her new found church with you, but look how God did the same for you. He sees each “one”!