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Parent Vision Trip!

You might be asking yourself… what even is parent vision trip? And how was my mom able to see me on the World Race? Great questions!

Near the end of a World Race, parents have the opportunity to join their child on the field. And so, toward the end of the Race, my mom had the opportunity to join me in Thailand! She had the chance to experience the mundane moments of life, structured ministry experiences, ATL (Ask The Lord) times, and other adventures that anyone would take advantage of if they found themselves in the beautiful country of Thailand!

May 25th, 2022: 

My mom arrived in Thailand, after having a crazy experience of being turned around mid flight over the Arabian Sea, barely catching the tail end of the evening session on the first day. It was so surreal to see her after having been without her for 9 months!! After many time changes, a couple hours of flight turnarounds, layovers, and very long travel days… my mom made it! She is such a trooper and was so excited to partner with God and the World Racers during the time she was here!

Our Reunion!

May 26th, 2022:

The next day, we ended up having the opportunity to partner with the Free Burma Rangers. They have a deeply compelling mission and team “comprised of people from different ethnic groups within Burma providing direct relief to communities most affected by the results of the government’s oppression.” (linked down below). Their heart is to share the love of Jesus with those most oppressed and to stand against injustice and for freedom.

My mom and I had the chance to help organize wires that they use for FBR teams that are sent out into Burma (Myanmar). Other WR teams got to paint a part of their office building, help build solar panels, and got to package bags for their kids’ ministry (bracelets that explain the Gospel, vests with information about the vital organs, and more!)

FBR has a really moving documentary under the name: Free Burma Rangers. I highly suggest watching this if you have any interested in what they are doing in Burma (Myanmar), Iraq, Syria, and Sudan.

Mom at FBR base in Northern                              Thailand!

We also had a chance to attend a traditional Thai dinner with the whole squad, where we ate Thai food and watched a performance put on by Thai professionals. It was sweet to be apart of the Thai culture in such a tangible way!


My mom and I at dinner!


My Squad Mentor Lindsey sitting across from me at dinner!

May 27th, 2022:

This day was one of the most special ones for me! My mom and I had a chance to ask the Lord (ATL) who to talk to on the streets or within shops within the city. We stopped and prayed with some other squad mates, asking God to speak to us about specific directions, details, names, people, or any other information that would help us share the Gospel with specific individuals. Well, my dear friend Kirsten heard from God “neon green and yellow” and saw a picture in her mind of a woman and flowers. I had heard “till the soil.” At that time, a handful of us all agreed to part ways with the bigger group and walk toward a coffee shop that was called “Art Farmer Cafe” because of what I believe I heard about tilling the soil. Before long, we came across this cafe called “Harmony” and my mom pointed out that the name of this cafe was advertised with neon green and yellow lights. Outside of this cafe was a picture of a woman’s head and flowers. A M A Z I N G.

We walked in and sat for a while, and finally talked to the barista who was working there. We told her about Jesus, shared a verse with her, and some of my other squadmates silently prayed for her as Kirsten and I were talking with her. That day, this barista was able to hold a Bible for her very first time. If you think of her, please pray for her soul to know Jesus!

This whole experience was such an encouragement to my faith. It is so cool knowing that the Lord wants to use us in mind-blowing ways for His glory. Continue to listen for His still small voice. He will lead you.

The Harmony Cafe

May 28th, 2022:

The following day, we had a chance to explore different parts of Thailand. My mom and I, along with Victoria and Morgan (some of my sweet friends on P Squad) explored a famous Thailand Temple, Wat Phra That Doi Suthep. Many people were simply walking around, while some were lighting incense and bowing near Buddha statues.

When I was in Turkey, I was talking to God. I asked the Him about gods that people make with human hands. I asked Him why this was considered foolish to God? He answered very clearly as I read Isaiah 44:9-20 that day. I encourage you to read it. These verses came back to my mind as I walked around this temple. It really seemed to hit different while being immersed in a culture of man-made images of Buddha. 

Later the same night, my mom and I went to a zoo and experienced a night safari with other people on the squad! This was a sweet end to our night.

Wat Phra That Doi Suthep Temple
Mom found a cute goat! Peep Lindsey’s face in the background 🙂

May 29th, 2022:

Our final full day together was spent with Free Burma Rangers again! We had a chance to play Futbol with some of the Rangers and got to hear personal stories from the field. Stories of lives sacrificed for the sake of freedom, as well as lives changed by the love of Jesus. We shared a meal, heard a Bible story, and got to pray over one another (racers, parents, and rangers). I think the Body of Christ is so cool- no matter where you are or which culture you’re in, Jesus Christ unifies us all.

Free Burma Rangers Presentation

May 30th, 2022:  

It was sad to say goodbye to my mom this final morning. But, I look back on the days she was there and I am tremendously blessed and better for it. Earlier on in my mom’s life, she had the opportunity to do overseas missions where she was an undercover missionary. She distributed Bibles to people on the East side of the Iron Curtain (Czech, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece). This was an instrumental time in her life. I ask her about stories and she shares moments of God’s provision, sufficiency, and friendship. I thank God for my mom. For the ways she has helped pave the way for me and instill in me a heart to chase after adventures with God and to love God with all my heart. She has given me a motherly care, listening ear, and life immersed in God’s love. And even though my father could not be with my on this PVT, I know that he would have been here in a heart beat if he could. He has raised me to love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to trust God no matter what life looks like. I am so grateful for my parents and the legacy they have left for generations to come. They have certainly left an imprint on my heart forever.

Seeing my Mom off!

I hope you enjoyed reading about my mom’s time in Thailand. I look forward to hearing from you of the ways God has shown up in your life recently!

To read more about the Free Burma Rangers, click the link here!

Not my will but Yours be done, Lord.

Katherine Porzi


2 responses to “My Mom Came to Thailand!!”

  1. I was kind of surprised that you waited 5 months to give details about this time together, but it was great re-living that experience vicariously with you. Hoping you are “re-acculturating” well.