
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey there, welcome to my blog page! I’ve never done anything like this before, but I thought I should introduce myself and tell you a little bit about who I am. My name is Katherine Porzi, I am twenty three years old and I have lived in Rochester, New York all my life. I grew up in a household with my parents, my oldest brother (Mark), older sister (Lauren), and other older sister (Cheryl). Although my siblings and I no longer all live under the same roof, by God’s grace, we have remained so close through the years. I am so grateful for my family because they each have certainly had a profound impact on who I am today.

I am currently working as a Sonographer performing high-risk OB/GYN ultrasounds. Becoming a professional in the medical field has been quite the journey, but what can be said is that God has sustained me since day one and I could not be more thankful for His presence every step of the way.

It wasn’t until very recently that God had made it clear to me that this next season of my life would be one that I would never have dreamt of. I am so excited to share more about how the Lord has used His people and conversations to lead me to where I am now; it is so evident that God has a purpose in every small and large circumstance in our lives.

As God has stirred in my heart to go on the World Race over the last few weeks, I have become humbled that He would even desire to use me, a person fraught with insecurities, to bring His heart to other parts of this world. And even as I hope to bless others along this journey, I know for a fact that He will be growing, challenging, teaching, and molding me through every situation and encounter I will have.

As you follow along with me, my hope is that you see how real Jesus is and how He is in the business of restoring and healing broken lives, just as He has done with mine. Come and see what God can do!